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Resurrection is made in response the 6th Extinction, the current extinction of species caused by humans. The work focuses upon endangered mammals and takes inspiration from animal bio-banks or frozen zoos.

In making this work I wanted to draw attention to endangered species of mammals and the causes of their loss, and also bring attention to the role frozen zoos may play in the conservation of animal species.


Reading or hearing about the loss of yet another species fills me with guilt and grief. I wanted to make work through which I could express feelings of loss and despair, and that also might offer some hope. As I discovered more stories of loss, I became increasingly concerned that human faith in science means we fail to take action in the present. There seems to be a belief that in the future science will reverse the damage of climate change and mass extinction. We keep on kicking the can down the road.

© Jose Snook 2015-2021 All rights reserved. Thank you.

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